CIS073-101 (101254) Online - San José City College
Spring 2020 -
January 27, 2020 to May 22, 2020


OFFICE HOURS: Meet on Zoom web teleconferencing. I am available on Wednesdays 6:00pm-6:50pm and Thursdays 10:00am-10:50am. I can be available at other times by mutual arrangement. If you want to meet using Zoom, e-mail and I will setup a Zoom meeting.

HELP DESK: Contact the help desk if you have problems logging into the MyWeb or Canvas servers. I can't help you with login problems. Contact me for questions about the course. 1-408-270-6411 (Mon-Fri 7:00am to 5:30pm)

OPEN LAB: Room T202 in the Technology Building has Microsoft Visual Studio installed on many of the computers. Lab hours depend on the availability of staff and will be posted on Canvas around the second week of class.



All materials required to complete the course are provided free online using videos and PowerPoint presentations which include images and text for the lectures and lab assignments. The reference book "Visual Basic.NET - Notes for Professionals" can be downloaded free and will be used to supplement the other course materials.

Download the reference book at


Visual Basic.NET for Professionals-book



Visual Basic is a programming language that allows rapid development of the Microsoft Windows graphical user interface. Students will learn to use Visual Basic .NET concepts, tools, and programming methodology to create user friendly Microsoft Windows applications.


The class does not have a prerequisite listed, but it has several advisories that you should be aware of. You can still enroll in a class if you do not meet the advisory levels, but you may have a difficult time in the class. The class has three advisories, reading, writing and math.

ADVISORY READING LEVEL 3 - You need to be able to identify the thesis statement in college materials, make complex inferences, summarize and paraphrase information, use a college level vocabulary, etc. This advisory is in place because the textbooks for computer programming typically are not written in Simplified English. It is important to be able to read the textbooks that present complex ideas.

ADVISORY WRITING LEVEL 3 - You need to have the ability write a well-organized five-paragraph essay. Although most lab reports will not contain an essay requirement, you need to be able to write lab reports and participate in the online Discussions at a college level.

ADVISORY MATH 2 - Algebra 1 Skills - You need to be able to work with equations and variables. Some of the lab exercises may involve either complex or imaginary numbers. If you had a difficult time with high school algebra, you may also have a difficult time in a programming class.


CIS073 Visual Basic Programming is a three unit college class and there is a lot of work. You should plan to spend about 9-10 hours per week on a 3-unit class. There may be some weeks you end up spending less time, but there may also be a few weeks that require more time.

The class begins on Monday January 27, 2020 and ends on Friday May 22, 2020. Due dates are listed on Canvas for each assignment. The class is organized into learning modules. For each module, there are usually a quiz, one or two lab assignments and occasionally a group discussion. You can complete the assignments on your own schedule as long as you submit them by their due dates. Lab assignments, quizzes and group discussions receive a penalty if submitted late. The late penalty is in addition to any other scores the assignment received. The due dates for each available quiz or assignment can be seen by clicking the 'Modules' link or the 'Calendar' icon on the left panel of Canvas. IMPORTANT: The last day of class for this class section is Friday May 22, 2020. Finals are due that Friday and no work will be accepted after the end of the semester, May 22, 2020.

Missing or not completing assignments may prevent you from passing the class. If you have vacation plans, or your schedule is full with other important obligations, you may want to consider enrolling in the course at another time.

Due to the workload of the course, it is not a good choice for students whose only reason for signing up is to get an easy 3 online units. In the past, several students signed up because they needed an additional 3 units to make 12 units to qualify as a full-time student, or to satisfy the number of units for financial aid, to be in the Veterans program, or to be part of an athletic team. Regardless why you signed up for the class, you are welcome and I look forward to teaching the many details of computer programming.


Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

1. Create single-form and multi-form application menus.
2. Design menus and Common Dialog Boxes (CDL).
3. Analyze and use sub procedures and function procedures.
4. Create an Object Oriented Program (OOP).
5. Design and test applications using arrays.
6. Create a program that accesses a database using Visual Basic.


1. Forms and Form Connections
    a. Creating Visual Basic forms
    b. Placing and naming objects on a form
    c. Connecting objects on forms to event handlers
    d. Arithmetic operators
    e. Formatted output
2. Menus
    a. The MenuStrip control
    b. Submenus
    c. Disabled menu items
    d. Shortcut keys
    e. Context menus
3. Conditional Logic and Loops
    a. Boolean operators
    b. If...Then and If...Then...Else statements
    c. Case statement
    d. Accumulators and Counters
    e. Counter controlled loops
    f. Sentinel value controlled loops
    g. For loop
4. Procedures: Subs and Functions
    a. Breaking large programs into smaller modules
    b. Functions returning values
    c. Subroutines
    d. Scope and visibility
5. Arrays and Structures
    a. Single dimension arrays
    b. Multidimensional arrays
    c. Passing arrays to subroutines and functions
6. Debugging and Error Handling
    a. Debugging using breakpoints
    b. Input validation
    c. Exception handling
    d. Try, throw, and catch
7. Database Access
    a. Database design (schema)
    b. Establishing a connection between a Visual Basic    program and a database
    c. Structured Query Language (SQL)


1. Menus and Common Dialog Boxes
    a. Design, code, test and document a program that contains menus.
    b. Design, code, test and document a program using one or more dialog boxes
2. Sub Procedures and Function Procedures
    a. Design, code, test and document a program that utilizes functions and procedures
    b. Subdivide a larger program using procedures
3. Object Oriented Programming
    a. Design, code, test and document a program that uses objects
    b. Create an object oriented program that utilizes constructors
    c. Create an object oriented program that utilizes collections
4. Programs with Web Forms
    a. Design, code, test and document a program that creates HTML web forms
5. ADO.NET in VB.NET applications
    a. Create a program that establishes a connection accesses a database
6. Programs with Advanced Validation
    a. Implement data validation for non-numeric data, and numeric range checks in multiple projects
    b. Implement the TRY-THROW-CATCH structure for exception handling

LAB ASSIGNMENTS: Some of the lab assignments will take longer than other labs. It is expected that each student will make use of the Open-Lab time to complete assignments as needed. Open-Lab hours are made available to students registered in CIS courses. Instructions will be given after the first week on how to use the open lab.

LAB REPORTS: Programs turned in must include screenshots of both the program and the results of testing the program. Programs will be graded on whether they work, quality of output, program readability and appearance, program construction and completeness of testing, and very importantly - documentation.

Unless otherwise indicated, each lab report must include:
1. Your name, class, platform (PC or Mac), date and an assignment ID # if provided
2. A written description of the lab project in English
3. A list of inputs, processing and outputs for each program
4. Test data values, expected results and actual results when the program runs
5. A discussion of what you did to make the program run and any problems you encountered
6. Screenshot(s) of the program execution
7. The listing of the program (code for the program)

EXTRA CREDIT is occasionally available for work above and beyond the minimum requirements for a lab assignment.
An extra credit lab assignment is like a regular assignment, and all of the points earned are counted as extra credit. The extra points are added into the total points received for the class but Canvas shows the assignment is worth 0 points of regular credit. For example if there were two regular assignments at 10 points each and one extra credit assignment and the student received 7 points each, the total percentage would be computed as follows: (7+7+7)/(10+10+0) = 21/20 = 105%
Sometimes a regular assignment may have extra credit for doing more than the minimum required to complete the assignment. For example a 10 point assignment may have the opportunity to earn an extra 3 points for a total of 13 points out of 10. The extra credit part of the assignment MUST be turned in when the assignment is submitted. The extra credit points will not be awarded at a later date even if the assignment is resubmitted. If an assignment is worth 10 points with 3 points extra credit, Canvas initially shows the assignment as 10 points. Extra credit points are added to the total score.


The Visual Basic programming language is used to develop programs for Microsoft Windows. Students need access to a computer with the Microsoft Windows operating system (Vista, Windows 7, 8 or 10) and Microsoft Visual Studio (either Professional, Express or Community Edition). Most PCs come with Microsoft Windows already installed. If you are using an Apple Mac, you will need to install Microsoft Windows separately, and access it using 'Bootstrap', VirtualBox or something similar. I recommend that you get a free copy of Visual Studio for students from the Microsoft Imagine (formerly Dreamspark) website. I recommend that you install the 'Community Edition'. You will receive an e-mail from the Dreamspark website with instructions on how to install Visual Studio.

Your computer must be connected to the Internet to install the software, view lectures and lab assignments, take the quizzes and tests, submit the lab assignments and participate in class discussions. Although a tablet can be used to view the lecture material and lab assignments, a notebook or desktop computer with the necessary software is required to complete the lab assignments.

ADDITIONAL SOFTWARE - Many of the handouts and lecture material are provided in the PDF format. Free Adobe Reader Software is available at   You also need a word processing program such as Microsoft Word, Apple Pages or OpenOffice Writer to complete the lab reports.


San José City College has many computer labs on campus. Many of the labs used by the CIS and CA departments have the software that you will need to complete the class assignments. Most of the other labs on campus will have Microsoft Office installed, but may not have a software programming development system installed. You need to be an SJCC registered student to use the computers in the Library. You may need to be registered for tutoring to use the LRC labs. Other labs serve different departments on campus. You may need to be registered in one of their classes to use their labs.


San José City College is using Canvas as the online Learning Management System (LMS). Canvas works best with the Google Chrome and Firefox web browsers. The course webpage on Canvas contains class notes, links to videos, PowerPoint slides, class announcements, the course syllabus, test dates, and other information for the course. All assignments must be submitted using Canvas. Make sure you can login to your Canvas account the first day of class. If you are adding the class, your MyWeb enrollment will be reflected at the next Canvas update. Student course enrollment is updated to Canvas three times a day - 6-7AM, 12Noon-1PM and 5-6PM.

Your eight-character Canvas login ID is the same as for MyWeb and is built from the first two letters of your first name, the first two letters of your last name, and the last four digits of your SJCC student ID number. For example, if my name is Dan McElroy and my student ID is 1234567, my Canvas login would be damc4567. When you first get access to Canvas, click the 'Activate/Reset Password' link to set your password for access to all of your classes that are on Canvas.

Additional information can be viewed at


Communication concerning the class and any assignment submissions occur through Canvas. All students are required to obtain an e-mail account in addition to their Canvas account. All correspondence through Canvas uses the e-mail address that you have listed with the Admissions and Records office. This includes any messages I send to the class as well as scores for each assignment. It is important that you update your e-mail address if it changes. If you have any questions about the course or need assistance, please contact me by e-mail at any time. You can update your e-mail address by clicking the "CLICK HERE" message on the purple rectangle when you go to the MyWeb page at (NOTE the 'E' in sjeccd). If you have an e-mail filter for spam, etc., it is your responsibility to make sure that you are receiving the e-mails that I send you, either from my college address, or e-mails sent through Canvas.

Students at San José City College are also given a free .edu e-mail address
For example, if my student ID was 1234567 and my MyWeb ID was damc4567, my e-mail address would be
The initial password starts with Password (with a capital-P) followed by six digits for the month, day and year of your birth. Example: Password061475

You are not required to use this e-mail address, but you may need it if you want to download a free version of the Microsoft Visual Studio. You do NOT need to use this e-mail address to download software from Apple Corp.

Additional information can be viewed at


  1. E-mail the instructor at dan.mcelroy
  2. Request an online Zoom meeting with the instructor - send an e-mail
  3. Help at the SJCC Tutoring Center - Check first to make sure that a tutor is available
  4. NetTutor - Tutoring is available on many subjects, not just the programming classes. Several students in past semesters have found this service very helpful. NetTutor has a nationwide collection of experts in multiple fields who are available to help. Click the NetTutor link at the left menu on the Canvas class webpage.

When sending an e-mail requesting help or a Zoom appointment,

  1. Include your name and the class you are in (CIS054 C/C++ Programming, etc.)
  2. Include the project number and project name (example 2.4 Counting Change)
  3. The O/S (Windows, MacOS, Linux), and the development system (Online compiler, Visual Studio 2019, Eclipse, etc.)
  4. Send the code as an attachment either as either the .c or .cpp source code file, or copy and paste the code into a Word or PDF document
  5. Send screenshots of the program output or error messages, but not a screenshot of the code. Many times, the cause of an error cannot be determined from only a screenshot


Teachers can take attendance for an on-campus class by seeing who is in the class and participating. Poking your head in the door and looking at the board would not count as being present. For an online class, it is necessary that you not only login to Canvas, but you need to participate by submitting your assignments, quizzes and joining available discussions. Just logging in to Canvas and looking around is not considered participation.

Once you have shown some commitment to the class by submitting quizzes, labs, or homework, I assume that you wish to be in the class. It is your responsibility to drop a class if you do not wish to continue. You should not rely on the instructor to drop you from a class for non-attendance. Although it is the student's primary responsibility to drop a class, you may be dropped for non-participation. Login to Canvas several times a week, keep up with the class and I look forward to seeing your hard work online. You may drop a class online (MyWeb) or by completing the proper forms in the Office of Admissions and Records. IMPORTANT!!! If you do not complete the course, and do not officially drop through the Admissions office and are not dropped by the instructor, you will receive a grade based on your completed work. You can NOT drop a class using the Canvas class website. If for any reason you are unable to complete the requirements for the course, you must officially withdraw at Admissions and Records, either in person or using

Sunday February 9, 2020 is the last day to withdraw from the course WITHOUT receiving a "W" on your record. Any classes that you withdraw between 2/10/2020 and 4/24/2020 will show a "W" on your record. February 9 is also the last day to drop a class and receive a refund of eligible fees. Refunds are not automatic. You may need to request the refund from the A&R office.

Friday April 24, 2020 is the last day to drop the course and receive a "W" on your record. After that date students will receive a letter grade based on your submitted work.

An 'Incomplete' will be issued only for extenuating justifiable circumstances (medical, military, etc.) and only if the majority of the work in the course has already been completed. An 'Incomplete' will not be considered if the majority of the work has not been completed by the end of the course. Because the grade 'A' represents 'Distinguished', an 'A' will not be awarded to students who receive an Incomplete and finish their work after the class has officially ended, even if their total score is greater than 90%.

Veterans on the GI Bill, students on financial aid and international students should contact the appropriate office to discuss consequences of dropping or being dropped from a course.


Definition Percent

B=Above Average
D=Minimum Passing

 A = 90%-100%
 B = 80%-89.9%
 C = 70%-79.9%
 D = 60%-69.9%
 F =  0%-59.9%

The lab assignments are an essential part of the class. You cannot pass the class by completing only the quizzes, midterm and final. Because the grade 'A' represents 'Distinguished', an 'A' will not be awarded to students who receive an Incomplete and finish their work after the class has officially ended even if their total score is greater than 90%.

NO-NAME and LATE PENALTIES: The lab assignments must have your name, student ID, and exercise name at the top of the document. One point will be deducted if your name, student ID, exercise name and date are not provided on the lab reports. Late assignments will be accepted with a penalty. A 5% penalty will be applied each day an assignment is late, up to a penalty of 40%. A late penalty will not cause a score on an assignment to drop below 60%. Here are examples of assignments that are worth 10 points with late penalties:


Score before
late penalty

Score after
late penalty
5% x 10 x 1
= 0.5 points
Loss of 0.5 points for a 10 point assignment
5% x 10 x 4
= 2.0 points
Loss of 2.0 points for a 10 point assignment
5% * 10 x 10
= 4.0 points
a) Max late penalty is 4.0 points for a 10 point assignment
b) Late penalty will not cause score to drop below 6.0 points on a 10 point assignment
5% * 10 x 10
= 4.0 points
a) Max late penalty is 4.0 points for a 10 point assignment
b) Late penalty will not cause score to drop below 6.0 points on a 10 point assignment
5% x 10 x 10
= 4.0 points
Score was already below 6.0. The late penalty did not cause the score to drop more

IMPORTANT! All work must be submitted by the last day of the class to be included in the grade. Late work will not be accepted after that date.

Due dates are listed on Canvas for each assignment. The late penalty is in addition to any other scores the assignment received. Late penalties will be waived (not assessed) during the first two weeks of class to give students time to get added to the class and get the Visual Studio software development system downloaded and working.

REGRADING ASSIGNMENTS: If you ask for an assignment to be regraded after it has already been graded, one point will be deducted from the new score. For example, an assignment worth 10 points that is regraded will have a maximum score of 9 points.

ACADEMIC DISHONESTY PENALTIES: You are expected to download your own assignments and DO YOUR OWN WORK. I have several ways to help me determine if a student is submitting another person's work. I may not catch every instance of plagiarize work, but I can catch many. The penalties for Academic Dishonesty far exceed the penalties for submitting your work late. I strongly suggest that you do not share your work with other students, or share your disks or flash drives that contain your class work. Sometimes students have loaned their flash drive to another student and the second student accidentally submitted the wrong file. Other times the second student just copied the first student's work and changed the name. If it looks like work was copied, even if accidentally, the penalties will apply. Don't take the chance on messing up your grade. The penalties listed below are for my class. Other instructors may enforce softer or much harsher penalties. For more information concerning the San José City College policy on disciplinary action, refer to the college catalog Chapter 5, Student Complaint Process, Section III-A



Zero points on the assignment and your course grade will be lowered

All or some of your work was created by another student this semester, or a previous semester.

Zero points on the assignment and your course grade will be lowered again.

Second offense.

An 'F' in the class

Third offense.


San José City College provides many support services to students. A list of these services can be found at Included are: SAS, EOP&S, CalWorks, the CARR program, Puente, Umoja and Veteran Services



The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a civil rights statute that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities. The Student Accessibility Services Program at San Jose City College is designed to allow students with disabilities to fully access and benefit from the general offerings and services of San Jose City College.

The Student Accessibility Services can be found at: or see the SJCC College Catalog at


SJCC is committed to providing a safe positive learning environment where students can pursue their educational goals. The Student Conduct can be found in the SJCC College Catalog at:


SJCC is committed to maintaining an environment free of sexual harassment or discrimination based on race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, medical condition, marital status, political beliefs, organizational affiliation, sexual orientation, gender or age.

The Sexual Harassment/Discrimination Policy can be found in the SJCC College Catalog at:

CIS 073 COURSE OUTLINE  -  January 27, 2020 to May 22, 2020

    Lab Reports and Quizzes are due before the start of the next module. See Canvas for due dates and any updates to the class schedule


Lecture Topics, Quizzes
and Discussions

Homework and
Lab Assignments

Module 1
January 27

Due Sunday
February 2

Class Orientation - Introduction to Programming

Orientation quiz

Introduction Visual Basic
    Keywords, Operators, Variables, Syntax
    Event Handlers
    Visual Studio Environment

Quiz: Introduction to Visual Basic

Meet on Zoom during first 2 weeks
E-mail me to arrange a time. Available times are posted on Canvas.

Lab Topics
  Problem Solving
  Event Handlers

Lab Assignment: Pass / Fail

Lab Assignment: Players on a Team

Module 2 
February 3

Due Sunday
February 9

Creating Applications with Visual Basic

Visual Basic Program Organization
Visual Studio Help
Quiz: Creating Visual Basic Applications

Meet on Zoom during first 2 weeks
E-mail me to arrange a time. Available times are posted on Canvas.

Lab Assignment: Paycheck version 1.1

Lab Assignment: Visual Basic Syntax Errors


*** Sunday February 9 is the last day to drop this course
class without a 'W' mark on your transcript ***
Module 3
February 10

Due Sunday
February 18

Variables & Data Types

Arithmetic Operators
Data Types, Literals and Constants
Mixing Data Types
Formatting Numbers and Dates
Class-level Variables
Quiz: Data Types

Discussion: AI and Rise of the Robots

Read sections 2.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 22.1, 22.2

Lab Topics
Group Boxes
    Random Numbers
    Exception Handling

Lab Assignment: Music & Video Store

Lab Assignment: Rock-Paper-Scissors

February 14
February 17

February 16 - Lincoln Holiday
February 17 - No classes
February 18 - No classes
February 19 - Washington Holiday

Module 4
February 18

Due Sunday
February 23

Decisions Using If and Case Statements

Visual Basic Arithmetic
  Logical Operators
The different IF statements
The Select Case statement
Quiz: Arithmetic & Logical Operators
Quiz: If and Case statements

Read sections 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2

Lab Topics
    Radio Buttons
    Check Boxes

    Input validation

Lab Assignment: Electric Bill

Lab Assignment: Cell Phone Bill

Module 5
February 24

Due Sunday
March 1

For Loop, Do Loop and While Loop

For Loop
Do While loop, Do Until loop
While Do loop
Quiz: Lists and Loops

Read sections 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.6

Lab Topics
    Input Boxes

    List Boxes
    Group Boxes

Lab Assignment: Fast Food Project

Lab Assignment: To be determined (extra credit)

Module 6 
March 2

Due Sunday
March 8

Counting vs. Sentinel Controlled Loops, Nested Loops

Nested Loops
With...End With
Random Numbers
Quiz: For loop, nested loops

Discussion: Social Media

Read sections 12.4, 12.5

Lab Assignment: To be determined

Lab Assignment: Paycheck 2.0


Module 7
March 9

Due Sunday
March 15

Subroutines and Functions

Visual Basic Procedures and Functions
Pass by Value
Pass by Reference

Quiz: Subroutines and Function, part 1

Read sections 20.1, 20.2, 18.1, 18.2

Lab Assignment: Dan's Computer Shoppe

Lab Assignment: Gas Pump Documentation

Module 8
March 16

Due Sunday
March 22

Subroutines and Functions - continued

Debugging Functions
Quiz: Subroutines and Function, part 2

Lab Assignment: To be determined

Lab Assignment: To be determined

Module 9 
March 23

Due Sunday
March 29

Multiple Forms and Menus

Quiz: Modules and Menus

Lab Topics
    Input Boxes
    List Boxes
    Group Boxes

Lab Assignment: Amusement Park

Lab Assignment: Menus

Module 10
March 30

Due Sunday
April 5

Arrays and Lists

Single-dimensional Arrays
Multidimensional Arrays
Subroutines & Functions with Arrays
Quiz: Arrays

Discussion: A Digital Life

Read sections 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.8, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6

Lab Assignment: Tax Estimator

Lab Assignment: Array of Objects

Module 11
April 6

Due Monday
April 20

String Manipulation

Like (pattern matching)

Removing Characters
Adding Characters

Quiz: Strings

Read sections 4.1, 4.4

Lab Assignment: Random Sentences

Lab Assignment: String Manipulation


April 11
April 19

Spring Break++

April 11 to April 15 - Spring Break
April 16 - Native American Day Observed
April 17 - Cesar Chavez Holiday Observed
April 18 to April 19 - no classes held

Module 12
April 20

Due Sunday
April 26

Disk Files

Open File and Save File Dialog Boxes
Reading Data from a Text File
Writing and Appending Data to a Text File
Determining if a File Exists
Detecting End of File
Quiz: Files

Read sections 13.1, 13.2, 13.3

Lab Topics
    File Dialog Box

Lab Assignment: Range, Mean and Median in a Disk File

Lab Assignment: Automatic Teller Machine

The last day to drop this spring class with a
'W' mark on your transcript is Friday April 24, 2020
Module 13
April 27

Due Sunday
May 3


Font Dialog Box
Color Dialog Box
Print Method and Print Page Event
Quiz: VB Printing

Lab Topics
    String Format
    Print Preview

Lab Assignment: Print the Paycheck V3.0

Lab Assignment: Simple Text Editor V2.0

Module 14
May 4

Due Sunday
May 10

Classes and Objects

Classes and Objects
Introduction to Inheritance

Quiz on Printing

Lab Assignment: danazon

Lab Assignment: Soda Machine (extra credit)

Module 15
May 11

Due Sunday
May 17


Database Concepts
DataGridView Control
Data-Bound Controls
Structured Query Language (SQL)
Introduction to LINQ
Quiz: Databases

Lab Assignment: Wedding Registry

Lab Assignment: Visual Basic Database (LINQ)

Prepare for the final

Module 16
May 18

Due Friday
May 22


FINAL EXAM - Online test



FINAL EXAM - Lab test

IMPORTANT NOTE: The last day of the spring semester is Friday May 22
All work must be submitted by 11:58 on this date to be included in your final grade

IMPORTANT DATES - Spring Semester 2020

Important Dates Spring Semester 2020 Classes --- January 27 to May 22
Refer to

LAST DAY TO ADD using add codes on MyWeb
LAST DAY TO DROP fall classes without being assessed enrollment fees

LAST DAY TO DROP fall classes with eligibility for refund of fees
LAST DAY TO DROP fall classes without a "W" on a transcript
NOTE: Registration fees will be assessed for any classes dropped after 6/23

CENSUS DAY - FIRST DAY for Withdrawal "W" for a fall session class
2/14 - 2/17
President's Day Holiday - campus closed
LAST DAY TO REQUEST Pass/No Pass Grading for a fall 2019 class from the Office of Admissions and Records
Deadline to submit Graduation/Certificate petitions for fall 2019
Professional Development Day - no classes held
4/11 - 4/15
Spring Break - no classes held
Native American Day Observed - campus closed
Cesar Chavez Day Observed - campus closed
4/18 - 4/19
No classes held
LAST DAY TO DROP fall class with a "W" on record
English finals, no regular day classes meet -- Friday evening classes meet as scheduled
Spring 2020 grades available on MyWeb at